Mandatory Line Items in HubSpot

3 minute video · Written by admin · Last updated 27 Jan 2025

Want to make sure your team are entering line items when creating HubSpot deals - check out this walkthrough of how to set this up in HubSpot using LinePilot.

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Hi there, it's Harry from LinePilot. Today I'm going to give you a quick walkthrough of how to create mandatory line items when your deals get created.

LinePilot is our app that lets you automate and manage line items on your deals and it works using templates. So here's a template that we've got called Mandatory Line Items on Deals, and this is going to get triggered when deals get created in a particular pipeline that I've chosen. 

I'm going to use a feature called Product Selector and that's going to create a drop down list of line items for my users to choose from then add it as a deal property in HubSpot.  So I'm going to create my Product Selector,  give it a label, "please select an item", and I'm going to add a couple of products. I'm going to add a Pro subscription, and I'm going to add Enterprise on here as well. And then I'm going to click Save and publish my template.  

Then when I go to my deal settings in HubSpot, I can customize the create deal form.  I can find my new property in here, "please select an item". That's now added to the create deal form, and I can make that required when my deals get created. And you can also make these conditional as well, so you can show and hide that only for certain types of deal. 

I'm going to click save on that one and then when I go to create my deal  I now have my drop down showing inside HubSpot with the two products listed.

So I'm going to choose professional subscription and click create.  Let's see, we start off with no line items but If I click refresh, you can see LinePilot's run. It's now added the total amount there as well, and you can see that line item has been added automatically. 

But that's not all, with LinePilot you can add extra line items and you can make them conditional. So I can bundle up  extra products.  I can make them conditional based on deals or based on other line items in the deal. And although we grab the product data from your product library, we can also override any property with dynamic values from your deal. So you could add a discount percentage, for example, or even set a price using deal properties.

You can also update the deal total, you can choose to use Total Contract Value, First Year Value, ARR, MRR, etc.  So loads of other options. 

LinePilot is free to try and we've got a free plan as well. So please do check it out. Thanks for watching!